Patient Satisfaction News

61% of Patients Want Better Patient Engagement in 2022

Stronger patient engagement and activation will help patients get in for preventive screenings and wellness checks, consumers said in a survey.

better patient engagement needed to close preventive care gaps

Source: Getty Images

By Sara Heath

- Patients are ready to start accessing medical care and preventive screenings in a post-pandemic world, but they’re going to need a strong patient engagement boost, according to new data fielded by Survey Monkey for Actium and which was obtained via email.

Currently, about one in five healthcare consumers say doing their taxes is less painful than managing their healthcare. Meanwhile, patients are staring down two years of reduced healthcare access and primary care, leaving many with stark care gaps and lapses in preventive screening.

Some 50 percent of respondents to the 1,230-person survey said their health got worse during the pandemic. Sixty-one percent said they didn’t get enough exercise, while 50 percent said they gained too much weight, 42 percent said they were eating too poorly, 39 percent said their mental health declined, and 27 percent said they’ve neglected their dental health.