Patient Engagement News and Articles

Pediatric Vaccination Adherence Hinges on Parental Vaccination Status


A new study from the Oregon Health & Science University suggests that pediatric vaccination adherence is strongly related to parental vaccination status. These findings may be an answer to quell...

Patient Engagement Technologies Add to Streamlined Patient Experience


Patient engagement technologies, like patient portals, contribute to an overall better patient experience because they enable patient data access and digital patient-provider communication, according...

Empathic Communication Key to Addressing Healthcare Discrimination


The human in touch in healthcare—helping people work around care access barriers, empathic communication, and clear healthcare communication—could all help stem the tide of healthcare...

Personal Health Record (PHR) Use Ups Cancer Follow-Up Rate to 86%


Personal health record (PHR) use is key to driving patient engagement, with recent JMIR Cancer data showing PHR use among colorectal cancer survivors increasing access to follow-up care and screening...

Only 1% of Docs Use Patient-Reported Outcomes Measures (PROMs)


The healthcare industry is making significant headway in collecting patient-reported outcomes measures (PROMs), but clinicians are making little use of that data, limiting enhancements in patient...

Cancer Care Access Wait Times Fuel Racial Disparities for Minorities


Many minorities face racial disparities in wait times for cancer care access; in some cases, access to radiation therapy can take up to seven days longer than for White patients, a study published in...

Black, Hispanic Patients See Lower Paxlovid, COVID-19 Treatment Access


Racial health disparities in COVID-19 treatment access continue to become apparent, with the latest data from the CDC showing that Paxlovid access for Black and Hispanic people was about a third lower...

Text Message Patient Outreach Cuts 30-Day Hospital Readmission Risk 41%


Healthcare organizations may consider implementing text message patient outreach as part of their post-discharge patient engagement strategies, as the technology can yield a lower risk of 30-day...

Many Seniors Rely on Public Transportation to Drive Healthcare Access


More than 3 million seniors in the United States reported recently using public transportation, with over 600,000 turning to these services for healthcare access, according to a new study led by...

Was Medical Misinformation The Culprit of Low COVID Vax Uptake?


Medical misinformation, not lapses in patient trust, may have been behind initially low COVID-19 vaccine uptake among Black and Hispanic individuals, according to DePaul University researchers who said...

Inflation Spurs Healthcare Affordability, Patient Care Access Woes


The nation’s problems with inflation are spilling over into the medical sector, with people reporting that higher prices are causing healthcare affordability and patient care access challenges,...

Patient Loyalty Hinges on Better Healthcare, Patient Navigation


Healthcare and patient navigation problems are an even bigger issue than a bad clinical experience, a key finding from a new Accenture report as healthcare organizations dial into improving patient...

Why Healthcare’s Digital Front Door Needs Multiple Entryways


The digital front door in healthcare doesn’t just need to be opened wide; it needs to be opened wide and it needs to lead to multiple entryways, according to new survey data gathered by Wakefield...

Public Health Messaging, Equity Key to Getting Flu Shots in Arms


The US will need to leverage strong public health messaging if it plans to increase rates of flu shots and combat the racial health disparities in flu vaccination and hospitalization that has plagued...

Medically Tailored Meals Could Cut $13.6B, Avert Hospital Admissions


Medically tailored meals, a key tool in the push to address food insecurity and social determinants of health, could save the healthcare industry some $13.6 billion in costs from the payer perspective,...

Digital Patient Data Access Grows in Large Hospitals, Lags in Small Orgs


Digital patient data access remains somewhat stable in the nation’s hospitals, with modest gains in patient portal and FHIR-based app access, according to an October data brief from the Office of...

Cultural Competency Key for HIV’s Healthcare Discrimination Problem


Cultural competency is needed to address the healthcare discrimination and stigma felt by Hispanic folks with HIV, according to the latest Centers for Disease Control & Prevention Morbidity and...

More Patients Lack Care Access as Emergency Department Wait Times Spike


A pair of new studies shine a light on how overcrowding and staffing shortages may be impacting emergency department (ED) wait times and patient care access. The studies, based on EHR data from across...

Using Risk Stratification in Patient Engagement Strategies


As healthcare professionals continue to develop meaningful patient engagement strategies, they should consider using risk stratification to determine how and with which patients providers will...

HHS Announces Initiatives to Address Language Barriers in Care Access


The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has announced several commitments to ease language barriers preventing care access. “We know that people with limited English proficiency...