Mental Healthcare

How Systemic Racism Impacts Patient Access to Mental Healthcare

by Sara Heath

Despite happening nearly a hundred years ago, the nation is still seeing the impacts of redlining and other forms of systemic racism, with recent data showing that redlining has resulted in present-day...

COVID-19 Pandemic Hardships Reduced Quality of Life for Children

by Sarai Rodriguez

Children of families that experienced greater hardships related to the COVID-19 pandemic had a poorer quality of life, according to a new National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded study. During the...

US Mental Healthcare Access Trails Other Nations’ Due to Cost

by Sara Heath

Adults over age 65 in the US have more cost-related mental healthcare access challenges than seniors in other similarly developed nations, according to a recent assessment from the Commonwealth...

Key Barriers Limiting Patient Access to Mental Healthcare

by Sara Heath

Patients all across the country experience some sort of mental health issue every day. But instead of visiting the doctor like they might for a sprained ankle or chest pains, these individuals face...

How Does the Opioids Bill Address Patient Consent, Medical Records?

by Sara Heath

As efforts to address the opioid crisis and mental and behavioral health issues come to the forefront, as do questions of patient consent, privacy, and medical records access. Specifically, impending...

Understanding Stigma as a Mental Healthcare Barrier

by Sara Heath

Despite the millions of patients managing a mental illness, very few are accessing treatment. Stigma and negative perceptions associated with mental illness are noted mental healthcare barriers for...