Patient Experience

72% of Patients View Online Reviews When Selecting a New Provider

by Sarai Rodriguez

Insurance acceptance, location, and online provider reviews are the most critical factors when selecting a new healthcare provider, according to new survey data sent to journalists. The 2022...

Disparities in Patient Experience Underscore Implicit Bias in Health

by Sara Heath

Populations of color continue to have a poorer patient experience than their White counterparts, with the latest reporting in Health Affairs highlighting patient experience disparities within and...

How Providers Can Improve Patient Experience During Cancer Treatments

by Sarai Rodriguez

Cancer patients and caregivers prioritize different concerns during treatments, but providers should address both in order to enhance the patient’s experience, according to a report from the...

Implicit Bias Yields Health Inequities for Dementia Patients

by Sarai Rodriguez

According to a JAMA Internal Medicine study, staff members’ implicit bias about minority groups was linked to variability in end-of-life care delivered to Black patients with dementia, limiting...

What’s on the Horizon for Healthcare Consumerism?

by Sara Heath

The future of healthcare consumerism will be defined by an investment in the digital, with organizations increasingly recognizing the importance of having an online presence and health IT that support patient care journeys. Long heralded...

What Is Patient Loyalty, Does It Affect Healthcare Consumerism?

by Sara Heath

Medical professionals are increasingly working to build patient loyalty, in part because of the rapid rise in healthcare consumerism. After all, consumerism in healthcare recognizes the purchasing power patients have now that...

Suboptimal Nurse Staffing Ratios Tied to Adverse Patient Safety Events

by Sara Heath

Healthcare organizations with suboptimal nurse staffing ratios are more likely to see higher mortality rates and longer hospital stays, two key adverse patient safety events that can also cost...

Customer Feedback, Reliable Info Key to Healthcare Consumerism

by Sara Heath

Healthcare is nowhere near functioning like the travel industry, but give it some time and Andrei Zimiles, the SVP for Consumerism & Marketing Solutions at Press Ganey, says the breadth of customer feedback and online infrastructure...

90% of Patients Say Loyalty Relies on Patient Financial Experience

by Sara Heath

The patient financial experience and billing process is a make-or-break moment, with 93 percent of healthcare consumers saying the billing experience could dissuade them from returning to a healthcare...

Assessing the Market for Patient Experience Surveying

by Sara Heath

Press Ganey is still a leading vendor for CAHPS and patient experience surveying, according to a new KLAS Segment Insights Report. But as the healthcare industry begins to embrace real-time patient...

Distinguishing Patient Experience, Patient-Reported Outcomes, and PGHD

by Sara Heath

In the era of patient-centered care, it is critical for medical institutions to collect key insights from the patient. Those insights usually include patient experience data, patient-reported outcomes (PROs), and patient-generated health...

COVID-19 Caused Downswing in Patient Experience, HCAHPS Scores

by Sarai Rodriguez

According to a Press Ganey report, patient experience and perception of their care has decreased nationally since the start of the pandemic. Prior to the pandemic, patient experience trends remained...

Why Patient-Reported Outcomes are Key in Specialty Pharmacy

by Sara Heath

Raking in about 50 percent of all pharmacy costs for only about 2.5 percent of all prescribed patients, the specialty pharmacy arena is one ripe for the development and use of patient-reported outcomes to assess treatment efficacy,...

Understanding Trauma-Informed Care, Communication

by Sara Heath

As the medical industry begins to appreciate the diversity of the patient populations it serves—and how that diversity influences care management and outcomes—clinicians now face an...

What Are Patient Perceptions, Experiences with Value-Based Care?

by Jill McKeon

Value-based care is an unfamiliar concept to most patients, but the majority of surveyed healthcare consumers said they would support a system where providers are paid based on value rather than...

2 in 3 Healthcare Consumers Report Bad Patient Experience

by Sara Heath

Only one in three patients can boast they’ve never had a bad patient experience with either a provider, hospital, or pharmacy, according to the latest data from Accenture, a troubling sign for a...

How Overcoming Language Barriers Improves Primary Care Access

by Sara Heath

Improving patient primary care access may be as simple as connecting that patient with a provider who speaks the same language as them, helping to build stronger patient-provider relationships, instill...